BBC World Uses Corner Billboards to Attract Attention

BBC World Uses Corner Billboards to Attract Attention
BBC World wanted to arrive in the U.S. with a bang in 2006. It’s New York City billboards did just that. The goal was to publicize the launch of BBC World, a 24-hour news and information channel, in America. Billboards were an essential part of their successful media campaign.
“See Both Sides of the Story”
The BBC has a reputation for objectivity and truth telling that is decades long. Their billboard built on this reputation,
selling the idea that the BBC helps viewers “see both sides of the story.”
Each billboard was wrapped around two sides of a corner. A current news photo made up most of the billboard. Viewers had to walk around the corner, looking at both sides, to grasp the complete story.
The BBC used five different news stories they thought would resonate with New Yorkers:
- A U.S. soldier in Iraq guarding an oil well that is burning
- Jewish settlers during a West Bank evacuation
- A border patrol and Mexican immigrants
- Protestors in France
- Iraqi’s listening to a U.S. Presidential interview
The billboards complemented two other parts of the campaign. One was an interactive billboard, also in New York, that invited viewers to text their votes on important issues like immigration. The second, called News Beyond Your Borders, played up the BBC role reporting international news. It used ads and magazine inserts, each focusing on a major world event.
Each of the three elements phases of the campaign made an impact. The BBC World launch was well covered by the media.
Work with Trusted Professionals
For over two decades, Billboard Connection has been helping businesses like yours get attention and put your message across. We have a solid reputation for professionalism and effectiveness.
We can help you pinpoint your message and come up with an effective design. Then we find the best location for your target audience. We turn ideas into branding that gains you recognition and customers.
Whether you need one billboard down the block, or hundreds across the country, we can help. We have the experience, infrastructure and the team to handle the job from planning to installation.
Call our team of experts here at Billboard Connection today, 1-866-357-6025, for a free, no-obligation quote for your next billboard.