Billboards in 3D Get Attention

If you somehow happened to find yourself stuck on top of a billboard, do you think commuters would call the police on your behalf? Most likely! How do we know this? Because some ingenious marketers decided to find out what would happen if you gave people the impression that there was someone sitting on a billboard!
Alert! Man in PJs with Teddy Bear
A billboard in Connecticut, erected alongside I-95 outside of Bridgeport, had a mannequin, dressed in pajamas, and a large teddy bear sitting on top of the structure. Several commuters called 911 to report that a person and his pet were about to fall off. Police dispatchers caught on quickly and reassured motorists that the mannequin and bear weren’t real.
The mannequin stayed in position, but one teddy bear disappeared and was never found. They weren’t sure if he fell or was stolen. The billboard company replaced him with one that was securely attached.
Free Advertising
The billboard advertised a local BMW dealership that was offering overnight test drives. The owner reported that requests for test drives, and sales, increased substantially after the billboard went up.
The dealership got calls from all over the U.S., as well as Amsterdam, London and Scotland after news reports appeared about the billboard. Said the sales manager, “It’s a million dollars worth of advertising—free of charge.”
Are They Safe?
State Police haven’t commented on the billboard and the phone call to 911. Certain states prohibit the placing of billboards that distract drivers, feeling they increase the chances of an accident.
3D billboards have shock value. They get attention because the 3D component is so unexpected. Motorists are startled because it shows a person in a spot that he simply isn’t expected.
Of course, this very fact gives these billboards major appeal to marketers. But there is always the chance that an accident can happen, causing any positive feeling from consumers to evaporate.
3D and Cars
3D billboards clearly appeal to those in car sales. Mercedes Benz figured in another 3D billboard installation on Sunset Boulevard in West Hollywood. It featured a mannequin dressed as a billboard installer. He was poised at the bottom left of the advertisement unveiling the price of the Mercedes CLA model. No calls were reported from worried drivers.
However, another 3D billboard, this one in Des Moines County in Iowa, drew several calls from concerned citizens. This too was for a car dealership, showing a mannequin sitting on top of the billboard. At the request of sheriff, the owner had the dummy taken down to prevent more calls.
Whether they are safe or not, one thing is for sure, they get the attention that advertising is about!