Builds Strong Teeth and Strong Advertising

A man is using his teeth to chew up the edge of this billboard that he has ripped off at the lower right edge. Installed in Jakarta, Indonesia, this billboard is promoting the toothpaste Formula Tooth Care: Bite.
The motto is “Builds Strong Teeth.” One creative way of advertising on billboards is incorporating the structure and materials of the billboard into the ad. That is precisely what this billboard does.
Billboards, Going Strong in the Digital Age
Billboard advertising in general is still going strong. It is one of the most relevant and effective ways to get the message across. A mound of statistics from a major study, conducted in 2009, prove this. According to the results of the Arbitron National In-Car Study, Americans look at billboards, they get information from them and they make purchasing decisions based on them.
Look. The study showed that the average adult worker in the U.S. spends an incredible 20 hours in the car each week and covered about 200 miles. More than 70% of these people surveyed “often look” at billboards, more than 35% look at them “each or most of the time they pass one.”
Learn. More than half learned about an event they wanted to go to, more than half found out about a restaurant they wanted to eat at, more than half saw something they used as fodder for conversation. About one-third were prompted to watch a TV show, and about one-quarter wrote down a URL or phone number they saw on a billboard.
Buy. People who view billboards, more than 70% of them, tend to make decisions about what to buy while in the car. That means seeing a billboard can have a definite impact on what a person buys and where he shops. Almost one-quarter reported that they visited a specific store based on information seen that day on a billboard. About one-quarter said they visited a business immediately after seeing it advertised on a billboard.
Those are impressive statistics. Not just for toothpaste but for buying decisions of all types, billboards are effective methods of influencing shoppers.
Get Noticed With Help From Professionals
Billboard marketing experts can help your product stand out from the crowd and get noticed. At Billboard Connections, you will work a team that has years of practical and creative experience in outdoor marketing.
Billboard Connection is the number one outdoor advertising solution. Its experts can help you choose the most effective designs and locations for your target market. Get a free quote when you call the professionals at 1-866-257-6025.