Muffins Are Falling! The Muffins Are Falling!

How do you draw attention to your product? Have it crush a car! Bloom Supermarkets grabbed the attention of drivers in Charlotte, N.C., with a combination billboard-and-squashed-car marketing event with the goal of drawing attention to the jumbo muffins sold by Bloom.
“Your Car Is Squashed”
The first step of the marketing campaign was putting up the billboard that showed six jumbo muffins with the Bloom Supermarket logo. Next a junker Kia automobile was casually parked underneath the billboard. It looked authentic, with a For Sale sign, $1000 price tag and a phone number. The number, unbeknownst to viewers, rang at the advertising agency.
The billboard company let drivers get used to the billboard and car combo for 10 days. Then came the denouement. At 3 in the morning, a crew came by to crush the Kia using a wrecking ball.
The car turned out to be sturdier than it looked, but they finally got it properly dented. Then they obliterated one of the six muffin images from the billboard. They bolted a giant muffin on the car’s roof to make it look like the muffin fell off the billboard and onto the car.
The agency got hundreds of calls from commuters to tell them that the car was crushed by a falling muffin. Local media played up the story. It even helped sales at a nearby gas station, where people bought disposable cameras to get a picture.
A week later, someone even tried to steal the giant muffin. It was found lying on the ground next to the car. Would-be thieves had successfully unbolted it from the Kia, but it was too heavy to haul away. After all, it was a jumbo muffin.
Work with Experts
Need a good idea for your next billboard? Work with us at Billboard Connection, your team of experts in outdoor advertising. We have years of combined experience in the complicated field of outdoor installations that get your message viewed.
Let us help you come up with an effective idea, focus on your message, then design a billboard that gets attention. We know how to locate outdoor marketing so your target audience sees it.
Call the experts at Billboard Connection today for a free quote, 1-866-357-6025 or go to .