OOH – Still One of the Safest Forms of Advertising Around

Advertising fraud is a particularly troublesome issue and in the digital realm, it is very much on the rise. Last year, based on data collected by Statista, advertising fraud consumed more than eighty billion dollars in ad spend in 2022, a number which is projected to grow to more than $100 billion in 2023.
That’s huge, and with the dark clouds of recession looming over the world economy, it’s easy for a sense of doom and gloom to seep into even the most seasoned business owner’s bones.
Photo credit: Toa Heftiba/Unsplash
OOH Advertising to The Rescue!
The good news is that there are ways to protect your advertising budget. While it cannot be denied that digital advertising on the specific social media platforms where your customers and potential customers can be found is the future, there’s still a lot to be said for Out of Home (OOH) advertising, which, while not completely immune to advertising fraud, is much less susceptible to it than its digital counterparts.
In fact, according to the OAAA (Out of Home Advertising Association of America), the most successful brands allocate an average of 13% of their total advertising budgets to OOH advertising, and with good reason. While the CPM for ads with an 18+ aged target audience (all media) is $12.20, the CPM for a similarly targeted OOH ad is just $6.41. OOH is hard to beat in terms of cost effectiveness.
If that’s not enough to get you excited about OOH advertising, consider one of the findings in a recent PJ Solomon US Media Comparison report that found that out of home advertising offered more reach value than print, radio, television and most online ad forms.
It gets even better, because OOH ad exposure has been demonstrated to drive online ad activations at a much higher rate than originally anticipated. In fact, it can drive online activations by more than five times the expected value, which is mind boggling!
The Ugly Truth
Here’s the ugly truth of the matter: the rise in advertising fraud and the fact that it commonly occurs across the whole spectrum of social media channels has hurt the image of digital advertising in general.
Oh, it’s not a death blow by any means, but the reality is that digital ads just aren’t seen as being as trustworthy as OOH and other forms of advertising, to say nothing of digital advertising’s increasing intrusiveness.
In other words, if you use OOH advertising, you’re likely to be perceived as being relatively more trustworthy than a company or brand that relies solely on digital advertising, and that’s a simple but powerful way to distinguish yourself in a crowded market.
The digital ad market will no doubt get better at policing itself in the years ahead, but in the here and now, if you want to reach your potential customers in a cost-effective manner and foster trust, OOH advertising is a fantastic way of doing both of those things. It absolutely deserves a seat at the table as you’re mapping out your advertising strategy this year. And if you’re looking for help with getting your message out to your audience, we can help with that. Check out our website or call us at 1-866-257-6025 for me info!