Reminding Homeowners It’s Time for Spring Cleaning

Do you have projects at home that you keep procrastinating on? Most homeowner’s do. Lowes Home Improvement tapped into the guilt with this billboard.
Words and graphics both illustrate the point: unfinished projects. As spring rolls around, it is a timely reminder to think about gardening, painting and other household chores.
Finding the Pain Point
Finding the right pain point is tricky. In the Lowes billboard, the problem for customers was the many chores they left half-done around their home. Often called a pain point, it is the problem that your prospect needs to solve.
Customers buy products when they have an obstacle that needs a solution. The job of marketing is to convince them that your product is that solution.
Timely Branding
Billboards that coincide with the change of seasons can prompt your target audience that your brand solves a problem for them around this time. In this case the problem of unfinished projects are fixed with easy, do-it-yourself products that Lowes sells.
The billboard isn’t pushing a specific product. What they are promoting is the Lowes brand. The tagline in smaller type reminds viewers that Lowe’s has “everyday low prices guaranteed.”
Since viewers look at a billboard only for a matter of seconds, what stays with viewers is an image. That makes a billboard the perfect medium for promoting your brand through the strength of your logo and motto.
According to Forbes, you need to work consistently to keep your name front of target audience, if you want to increase the chances that prospects will recall your particular brand. Maybe your prospect doesn’t need your products right now. But by building brand recognition, you are getting the message across that your company is the place to go for solutions.
Help from Experts
Wondering where to put your billboard or outdoor advertising, how to design it and how to get it installed properly? We at Billboard Connection have years of practical experience with design, marketing and locating the most effective spots for your billboard. What’s more? We have locations across the United States and 5 other countries to serve your various geographic needs.
As professionals, we pride ourselves on our reputation as one of the top outdoor advertising solutions. We understand how to pinpoint the best location to get your message to the right audience. Call for a free quote, 1-866-257-6025.