Not long ago, pictures of Ikea mini billboards began popping up on various social media channels.  People were talking about them not because of their spectacular artwork or their savvy message, but rather, because of their sheer simplicity.

The mini billboards simply read, “XXX steps to Ikea “ with a helpful directional arrow to point the way.

It’s a fantastic idea that’s been used a number of times by different companies over the years.  The somewhat cheesy amusement park “South of the Border” does much the same thing with billboards on the highways of the east coast, proudly announcing “only XXX miles to South of the Border!”

It keeps reappearing because it’s effective.  In Ikea’s case, the ad campaign allowed them to saturate the area immediately around their stores with ads that not only put their brand name into everyone’s mind, but helpfully provided directions to the store. 

That’s the essence of great advertising, and the proof is very much in the pudding, as it not only drove sales but also sparked a conversation on social media that continues to this day.  Advertising gold!

The best part is, no matter what business you’re in or what product or service you’re selling, you can use this same technique to good effect.  It’s a great way to generate additional foot traffic and get your name into the public’s subconscious.

If that idea doesn’t work for you, we’ve got plenty of others, so if you’re struggling to come up with an idea that will work advertising magic for you, we can help with that.  Our seasoned advertising professionals have decades of experience and have the creative chops to find new and innovative ways to tell your brand’s story. 

Just give us a call at 1-866-257-6025, or visit us on the web and let’s explore the possibilities together!