Successful advertising can take a number of forms, but recently, the makers of Corona beer hit upon a novel idea that really took their advertising game to the next level.

The billboard in question was located in the city of Brighton in the UK, and the company partnered with…the sun to make it work.

Yes, you read that correctly.  They used the daily march of the sun across the sky to change the way their billboard ad looked as the day progressed.  You’ll want to watch the video to get the full, glorious effect (video located here).

At a certain time of day in the late afternoon, when the sun hits the billboard just right, the shadows cast by the ivy growing along the side reveal a bottle of Corona, along with the message “part of the natural world.”

It’s a simple, devastatingly effective approach to advertising and it’s still being talked about to this day on a variety of social media channels.

Sometimes, advertising is about your product, and sometimes it’s about nothing more than getting a viewer’s attention and capturing their imagination.  Corona succeeded at this beautifully, and the best part is, it’s something that, while incredibly exacting, can be applied to any product in any industry.

This is the kind of outside the box and around corners thinking that our company excels at, so if you’re struggling to come up with a memorable idea for your next ad campaign, we’ve got you covered.  Just give our office a call at 1-866-257-6025, or visit us on the web to get started.  We’d love to collaborate with you and help you design a campaign that will not only elevate your business to the next level, but one that will be talked about for months, and possibly even years to come.

#OutdoorAdvertising #BillboardAdvertising