Take a Page from the CarDoor Playbook

When you’re designing an ad campaign, the location where you display the ads is every bit as important as the message.
CarDoor, an online car buying platform, understands this point very well, as their latest ad campaign demonstrates.
The ad itself is a lesson in simplicity. Rendered in red and white, it simply says “Car shopping made easy,” and then lists the company’s name, logo and URL. That’s it. It’s actually a very bare bones ad.
What has made this campaign so remarkably successful, however, is the fact that the company really did their homework. They learned that most people start thinking about buying a new car when the car they’re driving starts having mechanical difficulty.
With that in mind, they intentionally scouted out and rented billboard space in high traffic areas that were near auto repair shops and car dealerships (most of which also have auto repair shops attached).
Then, magic happened. Legions of frustrated drivers who were on their way to get their car serviced again just happened to see an ad that promised to make the whole car buying experience easier.
It worked. Not only that, but it sparked a lively conversation across a number of social media channels, which is advertising gold.
While this basic idea won’t work for every product and service, if you can identify the pain points of your potential customers and advertise to them when they’re enroute to address those pain points, the locations of your ads will do as much of the heavy lifting as the ads themselves. That’s working smarter!
Our seasoned advertising professionals can help with both of those things: Designing your next memorable ad campaign and ensuring that your ads are placed in locations that will maximize the return on every advertising dollar you invest. Give us a call at 1-866-257-6025, or visit us on the web. We can hardly wait to sit down and collaborate with you!
#OutdoorAdvertising #BillboardAdvertising