The Berger Billboard: Using the Colors of the Sky

What if you can use the environment around your billboard as a part of the concept of the billboard itself? Well, that’s just what happened in India. A billboard for Berger paints makes clever use of the changing colors of the sky to show off the color and natural finish of the company’s new line.
How It Works
Pieces on the upper right side of the billboard were cut out, leaving very narrow white strips of billboard between. The cut out areas look like stripes of color made by a paint roller.
During the dawn and twilight hours, the colors on the upper right of the billboard match the sky (they are the sky!). The result is the optical illusion that lets the billboard became one with its environment.
Why It Works
The goal of the advertising campaign was to show how natural looking Berger Paints are. It works because what the billboard shows is nature itself by merging the billboard with the sky around it.
Natural everything is the trend. People who own homes, live in apartments and work in offices want to be surrounded by what is safe and not artificial. The billboard visually implies that using Berger Paints will help you achieve a more natural way of living.
All of this is done without words. Text is the norm with billboard advertising, but speeding drivers can often miss part of the message. It is much easier to grasp a visual message on the go.
Lessons from a Successful Billboard
Here is a look at the three big takeaways from the Berger Paint billboard.
Make use of the environment around your board. Working with your surroundings makes your billboard stand out. This witty use of the background is eye-catching and memorable. The originality adds credibility to the product.
Consider text optional. Using a visual-only approach is possible only with specific products. The visual must also be easy to understand. If it is too complicated, visitors are left scratching their head instead of saying “Ah-hah!” It takes skill and creativity to pull it off, like Berger Paints does in this billboard. But when done correctly, it is very effective.
By investing in creativity instead of words, you add another dimension to your message. It moves beyond being a simple print ad. Instead the advertiser is able to use this entertaining and clever device to impress and connect with consumers.
Incorporate the benefits of natural and organic into your advertising. With environmental concerns at an all-time high, it makes sense to connect a product to feelings of organic, natural, not artificial and healthy. This billboard plays on the eco-friendly context, letting consumers get a sense that they are benefiting from these qualities when they use the paint.