Whatever The Rest of the Pack is Doing, Do Something Else!

A lot of ad campaigns tend to follow the herd. That’s not necessarily a bad thing because ‘the herd’ tends to be a fairly safe place to be. It’s predictable, but that’s also part of the problem. If you want to stand out and be noticed, you can’t do that. You have to be different. You have to take chances.
Few billboard designs illustrate that better or more clearly than this McDonalds Billboard, which doesn’t use slick, computer generated imagery. Instead, the campaign relies on a blackboard and what appears to be a chalk-drawn sandwich with pricing and other details listed, not unlike the kind of thing you find in small, hometown restaurants and bistros all over the country.
It’s such an unexpected sight and it looks so wholesome in the sea of slick billboard art that you can’t help but take a lingering glance at it, and then of course, your stomach starts to rumble and suddenly you know just where you want to head for lunch.
It doesn’t matter what product or service you sell, a retro look (or even a steampunk look if you want to go that route) can produce eye popping results that will get people talking about your brand and ultimately, will serve to increase sales.
If the sight of that bold design excites and inspires you, and you know you want something similar for your next ad campaign, we can help with that! Our seasoned advertising professionals have a long track record of designing and implementing highly successful, innovative campaigns for the clients we serve and we’d love the opportunity to assist you.
When you’re ready to get started, just give us a call at 1-866-257-6025 or visit us on the web, and let’s make advertising magic together.