Douglasville GA Billboards

Billboard Connection
Douglasville, Georgia
United States
We have 100% access to every billboard in the Douglasville, Georgia area! Including the most popular billboards along I-20 and US 78 and MORE!
We work for you to get you the best rate and the best billboard location to achieve your goals.
Then we help you design it and we will take care of the printing and installation.
We make your billboard campaign easy…call us today at 770-391-8528 for a free consultation.
Douglasville, GA Details
Brand Awareness…it’s a big problem for most businesses. Don’t let it be yours! Let Billboard Connection design the right marketing mix to reach your customers in Douglasville.
For more than 30 years, we’ve been helping clients sell their products and services with billboards. Your Success is Our Passion and we make that our mission on every campaign!
Douglasville, Georgia is the county seat of Douglas County and has a population of nearly 31,000 people.
It was named for Senator Steven Douglas.
The Central Business District in Douglasville, GA is listed on the National Register of Historic Places as an Historic District.
It is said to be an outstanding example of a turn of the century Southern railroad town.
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